Paper.js Code Snippets

Also check out the official docs!


Get the center of the screen
Clear the whole canvas


Create a point
Add and subtract points
Multiply points
Random points


Get length of path
Get location of center of path
Move location of path
Create a generic path
Create a rectangle
Create a circle
Create a polygon with n sides
Smoothing a path
Adding curves to a path
Get point on a path


Create a new group
Add children to the group
Apply styles to all children in a group

Styling items

Fill color
Stroke color

Sizing and positioning

The bounds object
Rotating items
Scaling items
Fitting items to bounds
Fitting items to a size


Mouse movement / onMouseMove
Mouse clicks / onMouseDown
Frame by frame animation / onFrame
Screen size changed / onResize

Handy tricks

Download the current canvas as an svg
Download the current canvas as a png
My random number function
My random color function